William Durand

⚠️ This content has been written a long time ago. As such, it might not reflect my current thoughts anymore. I keep this page online because it might still contain valid information.

REST APIs with Symfony2: The Right Way

2014-02-14 // PATCH should not be used the way it has been described here.

2013-04-12 // Add an example on how to create new resources with PUT.

2013-04-11 // PUT/PATCH methods should not return a Location header in the context of this blog post, as PUT is used to update an existing resource only, so it naturally returns a 204 status code.

Designing a REST API is not easy. No, really! If you want to design an API the right way, you have to think a lot about everything, and either to be pragmatic or to be an API terrorist. It’s not just about GET, POST, PUT, and DELETE. In real life, you have relations between resources, the need to move a resource somewhere else (think about a tree), or you may want to set a specific value to a resource.

This article will sum up everything I learnt by building different APIs, and how I used Symfony2, the FOSRestBundle, the NelmioApiDocBundle, and Propel. Let’s say we will build a User API.

Do you speak…?

An API is used by clients. They need to know how to talk to your API, and a decent documentation is a good start, and will be described at the end of this article.

Actually, you also need to know how to talk to them too, and in the HTTP protocol, there is something named the Accept header. Basically, your clients will send a header with the format they want to get.

Thanks to the FOSRestBundle, everything is done for you. No need to handle this part yourself, but you have to configure which formats you want to support. Most of the time, you will use JSON, and if you take care of semantic problematics, you will send XML. This part will be described later too.

GET what?

The GET HTTP verb is idempotent. That means whatever you can do, when you get a resource, you get the same response, and nothing should be altered. You will use GET to return resources: either a collection, or a single resource. In Symfony2, the routing definition would be:

# src/Acme/DemoBundle/Resources/config/routing.yml

    pattern:  /users
    defaults: { _controller: AcmeDemoBundle:User:all, _format: ~ }
        _method: GET

    pattern:  /users/{id}
    defaults: { _controller: AcmeDemoBundle:User:get, _format: ~ }
        _method: GET
        id: "\d+"

The UserController class would contain the following code:


namespace Acme\DemoBundle\Controller;

use Acme\DemoBundle\Model\User;
use Acme\DemoBundle\Model\UserQuery;
use FOS\RestBundle\Controller\Annotations as Rest;
use Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Exception\NotFoundHttpException;

class UserController
     * @Rest\View
    public function allAction()
        $users = UserQuery::create()->find();

        return array('users' => $users);

     * @Rest\View
    public function getAction($id)
        $user = UserQuery::create()->findPk($id);

        if (!$user instanceof User) {
            throw new NotFoundHttpException('User not found');

        return array('user' => $user);

Instead of using a ParamConverter, I always use to fetch the object myself in get*() methods. You will know later why, just trust me for the moment, it’s better.

Status code matter for your clients, so if the user doesn’t exist, use a NotFoundHttpException exception which returns a response with a 404 status code.

By using the View annotation, you will render the user object using the right format according to the user Accept header. Using an alias (Rest) for this annotation is a trick to avoid confusion with the View object we will discover later. Basically, the annotation relies on this class. It’s just a matter of taste whether you like annotations or not.

Last thing, the allAction() method has the same behavior, you fetch all your users, and then you return them.

A user has four properties: an id, an email, a username and a password. You probably don’t want to expose the password for some good reasons. The easiest way to achieve that is to configure the serializer. I use to configure it in YAML:

# In Propel, the most part of the code is located in base classes
# src/Acme/DemoBundle/Resources/config/serializer/Model.om.BaseUser.yml
  exclusion_policy: ALL
      expose: true
      expose: true
      expose: true

I exclude all properties by default, it allows me more control on what I really want to expose. It doesn’t matter with four attributes, but it’s always better to adopt this strategy, it’s like configuring a firewall after all.

Basically, you will get the following JSON response:

  "user": {
    "id": 999,
    "username": "xxxx",
    "email": "xxxx@example.org"

Easy right? But, you will probably need to create, update, or delete your users, and that’s what we will discover in the next sections.

POST ‘it

Creating a resource implies the use of the POST HTTP verb. But how do you get data? How do you validate data? And how do you create your new resource? These three questions have more than one answer or strategy.

You could use the deserialization mechanism to create an object from the input serialized data. There is an interesting work in progress by @beberlei about Form deserialization. It’s a bit different than just using the Serializer component but it seems easier.

I use to use the awesome Symfony Forms to do everything at once. So let’s write a Form type to create our users. Using the PropelBundle, you could use the propel:form:generate command:

php app/console propel:form:generate @AcmeDemoBundle User

It will create the following form type:


namespace Acme\DemoBundle\Form\Type;

use Symfony\Component\Form\AbstractType;
use Symfony\Component\Form\FormBuilderInterface;
use Symfony\Component\OptionsResolver\OptionsResolverInterface;

class UserType extends AbstractType
     * {@inheritdoc}
    public function buildForm(FormBuilderInterface $builder, array $options)
        $builder->add('email', 'email');
        $builder->add('password', 'password');

     * {@inheritdoc}
    public function setDefaultOptions(OptionsResolverInterface $resolver)
            'data_class'        => 'Acme\DemoBundle\Model\User',
            'csrf_protection'   => false,

     * {@inheritdoc}
    public function getName()
        return 'user';

The only things I tweaked are the email and password types, and I disabled the CSRF protection. In a REST API, you probably use an security layer like OAuth for example. Having a CSRF protection in a REST context doesn’t make sense.

Now, you want to add validation rules, and thanks to the Validator component, it’s really powerful. I definitely love this component because it becomes simple to validate all data you want in a safe way.

Back to our use case, I use to define my validation rules in YAML, but feel free to use your preferred way. Here is an example:

# src/Acme/DemoBundle/Resources/config/validation.yml
      - NotBlank:
      - NotBlank:
      - Email:
      - NotBlank:

Let’s write the controller method now:


// ...

    public function newAction()
        return $this->processForm(new User());

New tip, always use a method to process your form. You will thank yourself. The processForm() method looks like:


// ...

    private function processForm(User $user)
        $statusCode = $user->isNew() ? 201 : 204;

        $form = $this->createForm(new UserType(), $user);

        if ($form->isValid()) {

            $response = new Response();

            // set the `Location` header only when creating new resources
            if (201 === $statusCode) {
                        'acme_demo_user_get', array('id' => $user->getId()),
                        true // absolute

            return $response;

        return View::create($form, 400);

Basically, you create a form, you bind input data, if everything is valid, you save your user, and you return a response. If something went wrong, you return a 400 status code with the form. The $form instance will be serialized to highlight invalid input data. For example, you could get the following error response:

  "code": 400,
  "message": "Validation Failed";
  "errors": {
    "children": {
      "username": {
        "errors": [
          "This value should not be blank."

Note that the View class here is not the same as the annotation one, that’s why I used an alias earlier. Read more about this class in The View Layer chapter in the FOSRestBundle documentation.

Also, passing the form name is important here. Basically, your clients will send the following content:

  "user": {
    "username": "foo",
    "email": "foo@example.org",
    "password": "hahaha"

You can try this API method with curl:

curl -v -H "Accept: application/json" -H "Content-type: application/json" -X
POST -d '{"user":{"username":"foo", "email": "foo@example.org", "password":
"hahaha"}}' http://example.com/users

Make sure to set the body_listener parameter to true in the FOSRestBundle configuration. It allows you to receive data in JSON, XML, etc. Then again, everything works out of the box.

As I said previously, when everything is ok, you persist the user ($user->save() in Propel), and then you return a response.

You will return a 201 status code which means resource created. Note that I don’t use the View annotation here.

But if you read the code, you may think that I did weird stuff. Actually, once a resource is created, you have to return only one information: how to access this resource, in other words, its URI. The HTTP specification says you should use the Location header, and that’s what I do here. But, most of the time you don’t want to perform a new request to get information like the id of the user (you already have other information anyway). Here is the beginning of my main concern: pragmatic vs terrorist?

Guess what? I use to be terrorist here, and I follow the specification by returning just the Location header:

Location: http://example.com/users/999

When I have a JavaScript framework like Backbone.js as client, and because I don’t want to rewrite it entirely because it doesn’t support right APIs, I return the id in addition. Being pragmatic is not a bad idea anyway.

Don’t forget to add the routing definition for this action. Creating a resource is a POST request to the collection, so let’s add a new route:

  pattern: /users
  defaults: { _controller: AcmeDemoBundle:User:new, _format: ~ }
    _method: POST

Once you know how to create a new resource, it’s quite easy to update it.

PUT vs PATCH, fight!

Updating a resource in REST means replacing it actually, especially if you use the PUT HTTP verb. There is also the PATCH method which takes a diff as input and applies a patch to your resource, in other words, it’s a partial update.

Thanks to our previous work, updating a resource will be quickly implemented. You have to write a new method in your controller, and to add a new route. Here, I rely on a ParamConverter to fetch the User object. If it doesn’t exist, the converter will throw an exception and this exception will be converted in a response with a 404 status code.


// ...

    public function editAction(User $user)
        return $this->processForm($user);

Editing a resource means you know it, so you will perform a PUT request on this resource:

  pattern: /users/{id}
  defaults: { _controller: AcmeDemoBundle:User:edit, _format: ~ }
    _method: PUT

Both PUT and PATCH methods have to return a 204 status code standing for No Content, and meaning everything is ok, go ahead. In the context of this blog post, PUT is exclusively used to update existing resources, not to create new ones. That is why you have to return a 204 status code.

If you want to create new resources at a given URI, then you will have to update the code above by removing the use of a ParamConverter, and create a new user in case it does not exist:


// ...

    public function editAction($id)
        if (null === $user = UserQuery::create()->findPk($id)) {
            $user = new User();

        return $this->processForm($user);

In this case, your method can return either 204 if the resource exists or 201 with a Location header if a new resource has been created.

That’s it! What about deleting resources now?


Deleting a resource is super easy. Add a new route:

  pattern: /users/{id}
  defaults: { _controller: AcmeDemoBundle:User:remove, _format: ~ }
    _method: DELETE

And, write a short method:


// ...

     * @Rest\View(statusCode=204)
    public function removeAction(User $user)

In a few lines of code, you have a fully working API that exposes CRUD operations in a safe way. But now, what about adding relationship between users, like friendship?

How to retrieve the friends for a given user in REST? We just have to consider friends as a collection of users owned by the user. Let’s implement that.

The Friendship Algorithm

First, we have to create a new route. As we consider the friends as a collection owned by a user, we will fetch this collection directly on a resource:

  pattern: /users/{id}/friends
  defaults: { _controller: AcmeDemoBundle:User:getFriends, _format: ~ }
    _method: GET

The action in the controller looks like:


// ...

    public function getFriendsAction(User $user)
        return array('friends' => $user->getFriends());

That’s it. Now, think about how to represent the process of becoming friend with another user. How would you manage that in a REST approach? You can’t use POST to the collection of friends as you won’t create anything Both users already exist. You can’t use PUT as you don’t really want to replace the whole collection, and it seems a bit harsh.

Well, the HTTP procotol describes a LINK HTTP verb that solves this problem. It says:

The LINK method establishes one or more Link relationships between the existing resource identified by the Request-URI and other existing resources.

That’s exactly what we need. We want to link two resources, we should never forget resources while we build APIs. So, how to do that in Symfony2?

My approach is to rely on a request listener here. The client will perform a LINK request on a resource, and will send at least one Link header:

LINK /users/1
Link: <http://example.com/users/2>; rel="friend"
Link: <http://example.com/users/3>; rel="friend"

Using a request listener is a nice option because it allows you to have clean inputs in your action. The aim of this action is to link objects after all, we don’t want to play with URIs in the controller. The transformation has to be done before.

The request listener gets those Link headers, and uses the RouterMatcher part of Symfony2 to retrieve the controller and the method names. It also gets the parameters.

In other words, it has all information to create a controller, and to call the right method on it with the right parameters. In our example, for each Link header, it calls the getUser() action on the UserController controller. That’s why I didn’t use ParamConverters, it allows me to pass the id value, and to get my resource. I make two assumptions:

  • if the user doesn’t exist, I will get an exception;
  • I will get an array as returned value because I use the View annotation.

Once I get my resource objects, I put them in the request’s attributes, and that’s all for the listener. Here is the code:


namespace Acme\DemoBundle\EventListener;

use Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Event\GetResponseEvent;
use Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Controller\ControllerResolverInterface;
use Symfony\Component\Routing\Matcher\UrlMatcherInterface;
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request;
use Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\HttpKernelInterface;
use Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\KernelEvents;
use Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Event\FilterControllerEvent;

class LinkRequestListener
     * @var ControllerResolverInterface
    private $resolver;
    private $urlMatcher;

     * @param ControllerResolverInterface $controllerResolver The 'controller_resolver' service
     * @param UrlMatcherInterface         $urlMatcher         The 'router' service
    public function __construct(ControllerResolverInterface $controllerResolver, UrlMatcherInterface $urlMatcher)
        $this->resolver = $controllerResolver;
        $this->urlMatcher = $urlMatcher;

    public function onKernelRequest(GetResponseEvent $event)
        if (!$event->getRequest()->headers->has('link')) {

        $links  = array();
        $header = $event->getRequest()->headers->get('link');

         * Due to limitations, multiple same-name headers are sent as comma
         * separated values.
         * This breaks those headers into Link headers following the format
         * http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc2068#section-
        while (preg_match('/^((?:[^"]|"[^"]*")*?),/', $header, $matches)) {
            $header  = trim(substr($header, strlen($matches[0])));
            $links[] = $matches[1];

        if ($header) {
            $links[] = $header;

        $requestMethod = $this->urlMatcher->getContext()->getMethod();
        // Force the GET method to avoid the use of the
        // previous method (LINK/UNLINK)

        // The controller resolver needs a request to resolve the controller.
        $stubRequest = new Request();

        foreach ($links as $idx => $link) {
            $linkParams = explode(';', trim($link));
            $resource   = array_shift($linkParams);
            $resource   = preg_replace('/<|>/', '', $resource);

            try {
                $route = $this->urlMatcher->match($resource);
            } catch (\Exception $e) {
                // If we don't have a matching route we return
                // the original Link header


            if (false === $controller = $this->resolver->getController($stubRequest)) {

            // Make sure @ParamConverter and friends are handled
            $subEvent = new FilterControllerEvent($event->getKernel(), $controller, $stubRequest, HttpKernelInterface::MASTER_REQUEST);
            $event->getDispatcher()->dispatch(KernelEvents::CONTROLLER, $subEvent);
            $controller = $subEvent->getController();

            $arguments = $this->resolver->getArguments($stubRequest, $controller);

            try {
                $result = call_user_func_array($controller, $arguments);

                // By convention the controller action must return an array
                if (!is_array($result)) {

                // The key of first item is discarded
                $links[$idx] = current($result);
            } catch (\Exception $e) {

        $event->getRequest()->attributes->set('links', $links);

Now, you can create a new route:

  pattern: /users/{id}
  defaults: { _controller: AcmeDemoBundle:User:link, _format: ~ }
    _method: LINK

And the code of the action looks like:


// ...

     * @Rest\View(statusCode=204)
    public function linkAction(User $user, Request $request)
        if (!$request->attributes->has('links')) {
            throw new HttpException(400);

        foreach ($request->attributes->get('links') as $u) {
            if (!$u instanceof User) {
                throw new NotFoundHttpException('Invalid resource');

            if ($user->hasFriend($u)) {
                throw new HttpException(409, 'Users are already friends');



If users are already friends, you will get a response with a 409 status code which means Conflict. If there is no link header, it’s a bad request (400).

And it would be the same thing to remove friends. There is a UNLINK HTTP verb too.

Last thing I didn’t explain is the PATCH verb, I mean what would be a use case for such a verb? The answer is partial update or every other methods that are either not safe, unsure or not idempotent. If you have a custom API method, and you don’t know which verb to use, PATCH is probably the answer.

Assuming you allow your users to change their email thanks to a third party client, then again it’s for some good business reasons. This client uses a two steps process. The user asks for changing his email, he gets an email with a link and this link allows him to change his email. Let’s skip the first part and focus on the second one. The user sends a new password to the client, and the client has to call your API. Either this client will fetch the resource, and replace it or you are smart and you provide a PATCH method.

Let’s PATCH the world

This section has been removed as it described a wrong way to use the PATCH method. You can read this: Please. Don’t Patch Like An Idiot.. It covers how to update user’s email, using the PATCH method the right way, but not in PHP unfortunately.

So now, what’s the plan? We use GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, LINK, and UNLINK verbs. We are able to create, read, update, delete a user. We can get all users, and add relationships between them.

Actually, regarding the Richardson Maturity Model, we just covered the level 2. Let’s take a look at HATEOAS and unlock the level 3!

Hate who?

HATEOAS is not about hating people, but you could hate this movement if you are a true pragmatic programmer. It basically means Hypermedia As The Engine Of Application State. To me, it looks like a semantic dimension you bring into your APIs.

Earlier in this article I talked about the format used to exchange information between a client and your API. JSON is not the best choice when you want to follow HATEOAS principles even if some people tried to provide solutions.

Let’s convert our User representation in XML:


This is the output you could get by requesting the XML format as a client. There is nothing HATEOAS here. The first step is the addition of links:


    <link href="http://example.com/users/999" rel="self" />

This was easy, we just added the link that references the user you fetched. But if you get a paginate collection of users, you could get:


        <link href="http://example.com/users/999" rel="self" />
        <link href="http://example.com/users/999/friends" rel="friends" />

        <link href="http://example.com/users/123" rel="self" />
        <link href="http://example.com/users/123/friends" rel="friends" />

    <link href="http://example.com/users?page=1" rel="prev" />
    <link href="http://example.com/users?page=2" rel="self" />
    <link href="http://example.com/users?page=3" rel="next" />

Now the client knows how to browse the collection, how to use the pager, and how to fetch a user and/or its friends.

The second part is about adding media types to answer the question: What?. What is this resource? What does it contain or what do I need to create such a resource?

This part introduces your own content type:

Content-Type: application/vnd.yourname.something+xml

Our users will now have the following content type: application/vnd.acme.user+xml.


    <link href="http://example.com/users/999" rel="self" />

    <link rel="friends"
          href="http://example.com/users/999/friends" />

Last, but not the least, you can add versioning to your API in three different ways. First, you can add the version number in your URIs, this is the easy way:


You can use your new content type:


Or you can also use a qualifier in your Accept header, that way you don’t touch your content type:


It’s really up to you. The first solution is easy but less RESTful than the two other solutions. But those solutions require more smart clients.


To be honest, if you decide to expose your API to your customers, this section is the most important. You can decide to follow the REST approach or not, but your API has to work perfectly, and that means well tested.

I use to test APIs I build with functional tests, that means I consider the system as a black box. Symfony2 embeds a nice Client which allows you to call your API methods directly in your test classes:


$client   = static::createClient();
$crawler  = $client->request('GET', '/users');

$response = $crawler->getResponse();

$this->assertJsonResponse($response, 200);

I use to use my own WebTestCase class with a assertJsonResponse() method:


// ...

    protected function assertJsonResponse($response, $statusCode = 200)
            $statusCode, $response->getStatusCode(),
            $response->headers->contains('Content-Type', 'application/json'),

This is the first check I do after a call to the API. If it’s ok, then I can make more assertions related to the content I fetched.

When you write tests for your APIs, test everything you can think about. Don’t forget to test bad requests, and to have at least one test method for each status code you can return. It’s important because, even if there is a problem, you have to return the right status code, and the right message to the clients. A 500 status code doesn’t have the same meaning than a 400.


Having a well documented API is really important, because it’s the only thing your clients will have access to. You don’t provide the entire code to them, there is just an endpoint and documentation.

In a HATEOAS approach, your API is auto documented, so you don’t need to write the documentation yourself, because your clients will discover features themselves.

But then again, having a HATEOAS API is quite complex, and it’s not so widespread nowadays. If your API follows the level 2 of the Richardson’s model, it’s already good, but you will have to write the documentation yourself!

NelmioApiDocBundle to the rescue! I wrote this bundle at Nelmio in order to automatically generate documentation for our APIs. Based on code introspection, the bundle extracts a lot of information, and displays a nice page with all information found.

You now have all keys to build wonderful APIs!

I will probably update this post with more information, links, etc. So stay tuned!

ℹ️ Feel free to fork and edit this post if you find a typo, thank you so much! This post is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0) license.

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