William Durand

⚠️ This content has been written a long time ago. As such, it might not reflect my current thoughts anymore. I keep this page online because it might still contain valid information.

On Open Sourcing Libraries

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2014-12-17 // Your project should have a Contributor Code of Conduct.

Open sourcing a library is easy, it is just a matter of seconds. All you need is a public repository hosted somewhere (GitHub, Bitbucket, etc.) right? Nope! Actually, it would be better for everyone if you would add some love to your new shiny library you just made publicly available. Let’s see how to do that.


The README file is a first-class citizen in your project. You MUST have it! This file MUST contain the name, and a (short) description of your library. See this description section as an elevator pitch.

Then comes the Usage section. Describe how to use your library, with both words and code snippets. Add screenshots or GIFs. Be as exhaustive as you can. This is your project’s documentation, and most of the time for libraries, this will be the only documentation you will provide.

Writing the Usage part first is not a random choice. Your README file should blow your reader’s mind, so that they will use your library and contribute back (or not).

The third section you MUST include is the Installation one. This section explains how to quickly install your library, from a user point of view. If you have more than one way to install your project, describe the one you consider the best first, and then explain the alternatives.

You can add an optional Requirements section like Depends on X version Y.

The fourth required section is Contributing. This can be replaced by the use of a CONTRIBUTING file though. Explain how to hack your library, how to report bugs or how to submit feature requests. It is important to be exhaustive here. Explain the rules to avoid commenting every single line in Pull Requests you receive. Point contributors to the right tools such as linters or compilers. For instance, here is my standard CONTRIBUTING file for PHP projects.

You MUST add a Testing section too. Explain how to set up the test suite, how to run the functional tests, and the tools that people may have to install.

Optionally, add a Credits section if you use third-party things or if you want to list your contributors (that could be an Authors section though).

You MUST add a Contributor Code of Conduct because the lack of diversity in Open Source is not acceptable, and this is an easy way to begin addressing this problem. Unacceptable behaviors have to be banned and unfortunately, we have to make this statement really explicit, for instance by adding a CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md file.

Last but not the least, add a License section!

Here is a template:


project-x is a better way to achieve this and that, by leveraging the new API,

## Usage


## Installation


## Requirements


## Contributing


## Running the Tests


## Credits


## Contributor Code of Conduct

Please note that this project is released with a [Contributor Code of
Conduct](http://contributor-covenant.org/). By participating in this project
you agree to abide by its terms. See CODE_OF_CONDUCT file.

## License

project-x is released under the MIT License. See the bundled LICENSE file for

As you can see, I introduced two files in this template: LICENSE, and CONTRIBUTING. I already covered the CONTRIBUTING file while describing the Contributing section. The LICENSE file contains the license you will choose for your project, but which license?


I won’t compare all licenses, browse tl;drLegal instead. It provides useful information related to Open Source licenses, with simple words.

I tend to use the MIT license as it is very liberal. My advice here is to look at your community, and choose the most appropriate one. For example, in the Symfony2 (a PHP Framework) community, most of the related projects (bundles) are released under the MIT license. However, Java projects are often released under the Apache License 2.0.

According to recent reports, most GitHub projects don’t have an Open Source license. That is bad! You MUST have a license, even if it is the Beerware license.

As mentioned on Hacker News, choose your license carefully. Also, don’t make up your own or just state that it’s public domain. Public domain is actually not a well-defined concept internationally, and means different things in different countries.

Even if you now have a well-documented library and a license, you can’t dominate the world yet. In the following, I give an overview of what I consider important in Open Source projects.

Write Tests & Automate

Open Source projects are a way to write beautiful code as there are no deadlines, and no “customers”. Keep in mind that your projects show what you are able to do. As a developer, your library is your business card.

Write tests, a lot! How do you expect people to contribute to your library if you don’t provide a test suite? So, write tests, and use Travis CI. It is all about adding a .travis.yml file describing how to run your tests. It is another way to document how to run the tests.

Add a status image to your README file too.

Take a look at online tools such as Scrutinizer for PHP and JavaScript, or Puppet Linter. Automate as much as you can.

Be Standard

It is important to use the right tools for your library. Look at your community again, and choose the tools people tend to use. In PHP, we use Composer as dependency manager. Don’t waste your time with PEAR or anything else, use Composer. If you write a Node.js library, register it on npm. For Ruby developers, distribute your library as a gem. For C# developers, use NuGet.

Another example, in Symfony2 it is considered good practice to add documentation in Resources/doc. It is a convention. Don’t duplicate your documentation. Add a link to quickly jump to this folder on your README file instead.

Managing Issues & Releases

GitHub, CodePlex, or whatever you want, they all provide an issue tracker. Use it!

If you use GitHub, don’t waste your time with the Wiki. I never found a decent workflow. Either use the README file for your documentation, or use Read The Docs to host it in case you have extensive documentation. Use GitHub Issues to manage milestones, and rely on labels to sort your issues.

Also, try to reply to all issues, as soon as possible… But be careful, and manage your time. Be nice with everyone, and take time to help newcomers. It is worth learning how to maintain a successful open source project.

Another advice would be to release often by tagging versions periodically. Talking about versions, please follow the Semantic Versioning Specification.

Then, maintain a CHANGELOG file to help your users identify changes. If you break backward compatibility, write an UPGRADE file in order to explain how to upgrade.

You Need Feedback!

The main reason why I open source a lot of projects is that I can learn a lot thanks to user feedback. So you need feedback, I need feedback, everyone needs feedback! Share your project on Twitter, Hacker News, and so on. Spread the word! People must know about your project, not because it is awesome, but because people can comment on it.

Use GitHub pages to create a website for your library, buy a domain if you want.

Remember the world domination plan? That is pretty much all you need to achieve this goal. We never know!

Hire People

Once you dominate the world, it is important to enroll new people to help you. That is a terrific experience! And it will give you more time for your other Open Source projects (also known as your new world domination plans) :-)


Open sourcing a library is not just about publishing the source code. You need to add a few things to make it usable, and enjoyable. Documenting your projects shows that you are able to teach, and that you are able to find the right words to explain something. Also, it shows that you care about what you do.

Don’t forget to add tests in your library, if you don’t do that at work, do it at home. And don’t forget the license too, no excuse!

It is really cool to open source projects, but avoid the NIH syndrome. Contribute as much as you can, open source things that don’t exist.


Your library/project:

  • MUST have a README file including a name, a description, and the following sections: Usage, Installation, Contributing, Testing and License;
  • MUST add a Contributor Code of Conduct;
  • MUST have a license that is visible;
  • MUST be tested;
  • MUST be standard or MUST fit your community habits;


  • NEED feedback;
  • MUST be nice;
  • SHOULD enroll people.

ℹ️ Feel free to fork and edit this post if you find a typo, thank you so much! This post is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0) license.

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