⚠️ This content has been written a long time ago. As such, it might not reflect my current thoughts anymore. I keep this page online because it might still contain valid information.
Deploying with Git
Clermont-Fd Area, France2022-03-12 // I proofread this article and removed dead links.
I often rely on Capistrano to deploy web applications. I already talked about this tool in my previous blog. In this article, I am going to describe a simpler approach to deploy simple apps.
When you need to deploy a simple web application on a server, like this blog for
instance, there is no need to use Capistrano or Fabric. We mainly want a way
to copy a set of files and one could rely on rsync
or scp
… How boring!
An alternative is to rely on Git, assuming you are using it. But how?
The first step is to configure the local repository by adding a new remote:
git remote add -t master production ssh://<server>/path/to/project_prod
The -t <branch>
option allows to track a given branch instead of all branches.
You can add more remotes if you want, like a testing
remote for instance:
git remote add testing ssh://<server>/path/to/project_test
To deploy the application to production, run:
git push production
To deploy the application to a testing environment, run:
git push testing <branch>
At the moment, you can push your code to your server but it won’t deploy your
changes. We need to configure Git. First, add the following lines to the
denyCurrentBranch = false
This allows to push code to the current branch, which is important to deploy your new changes. Old Git versions don’t need to set this parameter by the way.
Then, create and enable a post-receive
hook with the following content:
#!/usr/bin/env bash
SUBJECT="Deploy successful"
BODY="You've successfully deployed the branch:"
while read oldrev newrev ref
branch=`echo $ref | cut -d/ -f3`
if [ "$branch" ] ; then
cd ..
env -i git checkout $branch
env -i git reset --hard
EMAIL=`env -i git log -1 --format=format:%ae HEAD`
BODY="$BODY $branch."
echo "$BODY" | mail -s "$SUBJECT" "$EMAIL"
This script updates the working tree after changes have been pushed, and send an email to the last committer. Keep in mind that it always deploys the last branch you push.
The important part is:
cd ..
env -i git checkout $branch
env -i git reset --hard
Feel free to “decorate” these three lines as you wish.
For example, for the production environment (or because you are using a Git
Branching Model), you should modify the
previous script to make sure that you only deploy the master
if [ "$branch" == "master" ] ; then
cd ..
# env -i git checkout $branch
env -i git reset --hard
# Send an email
You’re done! Each time you’ll execute git push production
, you’ll deploy your
application to your production environment. Easy. Fast. Powerful.
Feel free to fork and edit this post if you find a typo, thank you so much! This post is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0) license.
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