Suggested changes in code reviews

I recently wrote that I wanted to blog more often and share how I work. Today’s article is about suggestions in code reviews.

A little more than a year ago, GitHub introduced a button to suggest changes when reviewing Pull Requests. It’s a neat but somewhat limited feature. I only use this button as a replacement for (rather confusing) comments like s/typo/fix/ (which means: “please replace ‘typo’ with ‘fix’”). The GitHub feature does not work well when I want to suggest a larger change (that could be spread across multiple files).

About 95% of my code reviews involves checking out the patch proposed in the Pull Request locally. There are many reasons for doing this but I usually make sure a bug fix actually fixes the issue, test the new feature or try to break things (before QA). In some cases, the proposed approach does not seem optimal and I want to see if I can make some improvements. Sometimes, the patch is a “Work in Progress” (WIP) and their author asks for help.

I use hub on top of git so that I can git checkout a Pull Request using its URL (as shown below). hub has many more features and it’s a gem!

$ git checkout

Sharing suggestions

When I want to share the changes I made locally, I use git diff to get a representation of these changes and pbcopy (on MacOS) to copy the diff output to the clipboard (I think we can use xsel or xclip on Linux but I am not sure):

$ git diff | pbcopy

I then go back to the GitHub page and I paste the changes inside a diff block after one or two lines of text describing the diff and giving some more context:

How about this? Adding `git` again seems too much:

diff --git a/some_file.txt b/some_file.txt
index 6b0c6cf..b37e70a 100644
--- a/some_file.txt
+++ b/some_file.txt
@@ -1 +1 @@
-this is a git diff test example
+this is a diff example

Et voilà.

A GitHub comment with a diff

Applying suggestions

Anyone who receives such a comment can apply the provided diff locally. My current workflow is to copy the diff to the clipboard and use the set of commands below to apply it (in reality, I use ctrl + r to search through my history as it is faster).

$ pbpaste | patch -p1

pbpaste is used to paste content as its name suggests. If you take a closer look at the previous diff example, git prefixes diff paths with a and b in the output, which is why -p1 is needed: it removes a/ and b/ so that patch finds the right files to patch.

I have been providing suggestions like this for several years now and some folks in my team started to do that as well (and even some contributors!). This workflow is a nice way to share ideas and start discussions. What do you think?

Feel free to fork and edit this post if you find a typo, thank you so much! This post is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0) license.

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